How to Get Rid of Voles in Garden

Vole damage can be easily identified by its telltale “runways.” They leave visible chewed-marks on stems and exposed roots, keeping your plants from reaching their full potential.

For optimal rodent-proofing of your yard, remove brush piles and maintain regular mowing and snow removal; avoid dense mulch; protect young trees by covering their lower trunks in chew-proof material; encourage natural predators such as snakes, hawks, owls and foxes as they will aid with control efforts as well.

Remove Potential Nesting Sites

Understanding where voles are hiding is key to effectively finding and trapping them in your yard. Cut back weeds and grass in the area to eliminate places for them to hide, set humane traps along runways or burrow entrances with peanut butter baited traps, check daily, and use multiple-trap strategies until vole populations decline; poison is not recommended since it could harm both pets and children who roam your yard.

Voles’ chewing can damage perennial and bulb roots, leading to their collapse. Furthermore, voles chew their crowns of grasses, shrubs and vegetable plants causing further destruction in your garden. For this reason it’s crucial that these areas are removed and replaced with vole-resistant species in your landscape design plan.

Mow Down Tall Grass

Voles prefer thick grass, weeds or hedgerows as cover for themselves and will avoid open lawn areas in favor of thicker vegetation such as thick grass, weeds and hedgerows. Make sure your yard remains well-mowed and regularly inspect it for signs of vole activity; one telltale indicator would be 2-inch wide tunnels at or near ground surface that feature well-defined two-inch wide runways; other telltale indicators might be broken-off stems of plants and young trees at ground level, gnaw marks at ground level as well as reduced growth around affected areas – beware not to confuse voles with moles who both share similar habitat requirements and damage potential!

Make your yard less attractive to voles by using effective repellents and deterrents that have been tried-and-tested. Mint has an intense scent which may help repel voles; other potential deterrents include garlic spray, castor oil granules or liquid, sound-emitting spikes inserted into the soil, as well as bulb plants like daffodils, snowdrops and fritillarias that contain alkaloids that voles find repellant. Plant these around your garden to further discourage voles!

Remove Bird Feeders

Voles are known for chewing away at plant stems, stunting their growth. Additionally, they tunnel under and feed upon grass roots as well as those of young trees in your garden or lawn. Look out for signs of vole activity such as chew marks on exposed stems of exposed plants; runways with burrow holes present; damaged or dead vegetation or the presence of runways that don’t move as freely when watered regularly and damaged or dying vegetation in your yard or garden.

To keep voles away, plant mint throughout your garden – its scent acts as an effective mole and vole repellent, as do hot pepper sprigs applied directly onto affected plants’ soil surface. Castor oil made from castor bean seeds also acts as an effective, nontoxic vole deterrent; mix it with water in a spray bottle and spray around affected plants to deter voles.

Fencing made of wire mesh or hardware cloth is one of the best ways to prevent voles from entering a garden plot. Additionally, young trees may benefit from having guards made of metal or wire mesh covering their trunks with guards that have their bases buried 6 inches below ground level so as to prevent voles from digging under them.

Remove Weeds

If your garden features chewed-off plant stems or bare patches, voles could be to blame. Also known as meadow mice, these small rodents share many characteristics with moles but tend to be more destructive of plants. Telltale signs include 2-inch wide “runways” near the ground’s surface that appear from numerous feet beating along one path at once; voles may also gnaw at trees or shrubs from beneath, which can suffocate their root systems and hinder their growth.

Clean your yard to reduce vole activity, such as clearing away food sources like piles of leaves or sticks, trimming grass short and pulling weeds regularly, keeping grass trimmed short, berry-producing bushes pruned back regularly to minimize vole activity, protecting young trees with wire mesh or chew-proof barriers and trying natural repellents such as castor oil, thyme cedar or garlic to repel voles from entering.

Apply Mulch

Voles feed on seeds, berries and grass stems; therefore clearing away potential food sources will help deter them. Clear away piles of leaves, twigs and tall grass as well as pine needles from evergreen trees to protect themselves from voles.

Voles can be identified in your yard by their shallow snakelike tunnels (also called runways) found near or at the surface of your lawn. Other telltale signs may include gnaw marks on grass stems or plant stems as well as the girdling of young tree trunks.

Voles feed on surface-level vegetation, unlike moles who feed on earthworms and grubs deep underground. If you notice damaged plants due to voles’ munching activity, focus your efforts on eliminating environments that attract them — rather than responding directly against their damage caused by them gnawing – instead. Clear away any debris or trash that could provide shelter; clear out thicken grass areas in patches before reseeding; fill any vole runways or holes with topsoil.

Plant Mint

Voles are active year-round, making their control an ongoing effort. During the breeding season, focus your efforts on eliminating environments that make your yard more inviting to them by clearing away potential nesting sites and food sources such as leaves piles, stacks of brush, tall grass areas and evergreen tree needles to stop voles from nesting there.

Voles differ from moles by living aboveground and not digging tunnels to dig. Voles live on the surface of the soil and feed by eating grass roots and tree roots as well as seeds and berries from trees and plants.

Mint can help repel voles from your yard with its fragrant aroma that interferes with their sense of smell, providing a natural alternative to chemical pesticides. Furthermore, this low maintenance plant suits most growing conditions; to maximize its deterrent power place a layer of gravel between it and the ground so it feels sharp to vole feet and deters further exploration by these pesky animals.