Unlocking the Data Science Potential of Blockchain

Unlocking the Data Science Potential of Blockchain

Blockchain has quickly evolved beyond its initial association with cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin to become a transformative force across industries. Offering transparency, security and decentralization it now has applications ranging from streamlining financial transactions to improving voting systems. From a Data Science perspective, blockchains offer an intriguing source of high-quality datasets. In this article we’ll … Read more

The Complete Guide to Tech Packs for Clothing Brands

The Complete Guide to Tech Packs for Clothing Brands

A tech pack is a compilation of drawings and measurements used to convey to factories exactly how you’d like your design produced. It includes your technical illustrations (front and back line drawings) plus garment specifications sheet, graded sizing chart and detailed measurement specifications page. An accompanying Bill of Materials (BOM) should also be prepared, with … Read more